
Our Dean of Students has established a cult of personality. his leadership style is based on conversion, this idea that something is wrong with you but he has positivity and charisma and you will convert to his way of thinking.

He has made 30 or 40 students lieutenats, I refer to them as the hitler's youth. They are all male and wander the halls at their own luxuray, failing classes but hypothetically enforcing school policies. Today they are all wearing white t shirts, as is the Dean but none of us know why. They didn't tell us teachers either so we were trying to get the students in trouble for violating the code that is the dean's responsibilty to enforce.

He has dreams and shares them with us in our staff meetings. Sounds like a very good humanistic philosophy with a little bit too much patricarchal black nationalism, if it was not for the following
1. He called the parent of a student a nasty ghetto bitch
2. A student cut off his braids after the dean said he looked like a fag
3. He said that female student lieutenats would need 300 signatures, while he allowed the male lieutenants to volunteer and he handed them the job.
4. He wears his Q Dog clothes and cameflouge pants all the time, and refers to himself as a soldier.
5. He fired the assistant dean because too many teachers were talking to him instead of to the dean.

Well I had a dream too...

Whenever a large group of students get in trouble, he marches them up and down Garfield Ave holding signs. Some of the signs say "Where are the men at in our community?" "Gangs are members of our community too" "Where are the fathers"

So I had a dream that a large group of students were sent to march on the street, but the students were too surly to see what the signs read, and the Dean to ignorant to check. And I had slipped some signs in myself.





So in my dream I was then called down to a staff meeting where they announced I was fired. I ran through the halls jumping and laughing, screaming EDUCATION IS BULLSHIT, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE and the students went running after me.