Teaching is so complex and my mind so scattered that I need to constantly reinforce certain things. These declarative sentances and quotes are for my use, and although they may help other people, many will find them to be simple and self evident. After all most people know better than to joke about having a parole officer, but then again...
1. Not everything is funny. Do not be afraid to take yourself seriously.
2. I have the right to teach.
3. "Say what you mean and mean what you say, or else they'll have your white ass on the flo." A nice butcher lady on the southside.
4. The majority of my problems and insecurities could be solved by a full commitment to teaching, I still have one foot out the door.
5. Everything matters.
6. Small things must be dealt with immediacy.
7. Although they must be treated like adults, Freshman especially and other high schoolers lack psychological, physical and emotional development, especially evident when using sarcasm, criticism, and mixing groups of students.
8. Every adolscent will have periods of depression lasting two to four weeks.
9 You can be aware, you can respect, but you can never understand.
10. If it is necessary, than you should not apologize. Even if it upsets or worse, is boring.
11. Protect yourself.
12. Relationships take time. You don't trust someone or fix them in a day.
13. You have the right and necessity to inconvenience people.
14. Some people are just wired differently.
15. You have to accept that some students hate humor, and especially my sense of humor.
16. Make a check list of who turns in projects when they come in. That way you can feel confident about decisions when you inevitably lose one.
17 Follow up consistently and promptly on agreed upon expectations.
18. make sure that everything you do, you can do.
19. Copiers suck.
20. Sometimes you need to lie to yourself and to others by believing in what you are doing, even if you don't, being hopeful without having hope.