The Third Year

So I am eight weeks into my third year of teaching professionally. I am one of those people who forgets that he has a blog so I don't really know where to begin. To quote one of our security officers, "same shit, different dog."

I am starting to act more and more like a cross between Dr House and Colonel Slade of Scent of a Woman fame. The sad thing is that I think I am actually developing a tolerance to bullshit that is rivalled only by my newfound tolerance to alchool.

I just celebrated my 28th birthday. It was the longest day of the week teaching wise and I also have a persistant cold. But it was nice to reflect on my life and to realize that this year will be decisive, and that one way or another, I will probably be moving on.

Several of the students are acting different this year. The student who once dropped out (I wrote about chasing him down my first year) didnt show up until October. Another student I work a lot with lost his house in the flood and is living with his grandmother because his dad is drinking again. One of the seniors is pregnat and about to get married because she was kicked out of the house.

we had are first pep rally yesterday. It was going very well until the lapdances. Then all hell broke loose. Never have lap dances at a school assembly, and yes obviously the people who planned the assembly had no idea what they were doing

I feel more weathered and experienced, but I dont really feel any smarter. I am trying to read more, last year I just got so tired that all I would do was watch tv shows I was only half interested in or sporting events that I didnt care at all for the teams. I lost my drive to excell and was ok with being profficent. now I had a little panic attack: do I have a career?

Progress means that at least I am actively thinking about it.