
We watched a movie called Wetback: An Undocumented Documentary. I obviously was worried about the title, so before I told the students what the movie was, I put up the following Do Now:

What was the worst insult that you have ever been called, or the most offeneded another person made you feel? How did you react? These are some of the answers

I was called a nigger on the golf course

Oe of the worst things that I've been called was a nigger by a white boy in Oak Park. He was playing but I wasn't and me and my cousin chased him but he was on a bike.

I was called a border hopper. And then one time a cop called me a stupid mexican gangbanger that's all I'm good at he going to see me dead in 2 years

The worse thing anyone has called me was cunt. Or white trash. Or bitch

The most offened someone made me was when me and my teamates on the ACE Tech construction team were in a Hilton Hotel in Milwakee. And we were going up the elevator and she called us suspects. I She said I wonder what these suspects can come up with. I don't know what she meant by that but this was very offensive to me.

The worst insult was when a white police called me a ugly nigger. I wanted to spit in his face but I didn't want to get beat up.

The worst thing anyone's every done was call me a Haley but I didn't do anything because it was funny.

The worst thing anyone has ever called me was a bitch ass spic. I handled it by beating the shit out of him.

Someone called me a fat lazy bald headed bitch. I handle it by not saying anything to them and I show them what a fat lazy bald headed bitch can do, by taken their girl and let a lot of female be around me more than his own girlfriend.

The most offensive thing a person has said to me was go back to mexico or shine shoes and make tacos because you are a wetback. The way I handled it was to ignore it and I learned to get over it.

I've been called a lot of names. I usually don't react. Unless they really piss me off.

The worst thing someone ever said to me was that I was too fat to do something. I sometimes get picked on about church and that really depresses me too.

Cuz I don't care what ppl say about me cuz they try wanna B me and I dont let it get to me because ppl try to break you down and I am not going to let them.

When someone told me I looked like Steve Urcle's sister. The older steve urcle without his glasses but it was still an insult. I told that person they looked like a retarded Eddie Murphy and that shut him up.

The worst thing I ever was called was a bastard. That offended me a lot and it still offends me.

I guess when people always call me a lame.