Two teachers, who I like very much, came up to me today laughing. They both had dreams about me on the same night. The first teacher dreamt that she walked into the classroom that we both share, and all the students were dead silent and not moving. On the board everyday there is a DO NOW (a small bellringer activity) an Agenda, and Homework. In her dream, the do now said, ask Mr PR why he has a handgun. No one had asked. I was sitting quietly behind the desk
The other teacher dreamt that I had finally had it or had gotten fired. I put all my stuff into a box and walked into every classroom smoking a cigerette and telling each person individually to fuck off. She said it was a funny dream except that I was holding to cigerette in a "sissy" way. The dream is really funny because I do not smoke.
Probably not a good sign, but spring break is coming.